
If we have done or said something on-air that you weren’t happy about at the time it aired, then please let us know and we’ll investigate it further, take action and get back to you.

Please give full details of what occurred including a time and date so we can track down the incident and report back to you quickly.

If we are still unhappy with our action about your complaint, you can then refer your complaint to the Broadcasting Standards Authority. For more details at their website:

You need to make your complaint within 20 working days of the broadcast. You cannot complain about a show before it has aired.

Please note you must complain in writing within 20 working days about a specific broadcast and list one or more of the broadcasting standards that you consider have been breached. These are set out under the Radio Codes of Broadcasting Practice.

Please use the form below or submit by post via the address shone.

tuning-in information can also be found here

Just FM Complaints
PO BOX 285, Kaiapoi
North Canterbury 7644
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I would like to lodge a formal Complaint: